
  1. It’s Important for an investor must read and understand the prospectus

Read and understand the content of the Prospectus, especially on Investment Objectives, Investment Policy, Investment Benefits and Risks as well as on the background of Investment Manager.

  1. Investor fill the form

Complete and sign the Subscription form, FPR (Opening Account Form), and Investor Profile Form (for first time purchasers)

  1. Investor transfer the fund

Tranfer the funds to the mutual fund account at the Custodian Bank

  1. Investor deliver the document

Send/fax/email the authentic/copy of following documents such as, the AUTHENTIC Account Opening Form, copy of Subscription form, of proof of transfer & of identity (ID card and Tax Number).

  1. Investment Manager

  • Receive all the required forms and documents such as, the AUTHENTIC Account Opening Form, copy of Subscription form, of proof of transfer & of identity (ID card and Tax Number).
  • Send the Confirmation of Subscription Unit of Mutual Fund, forms and documents to Custodian Bank

  1. Custodian Bank

  • Receive the subsription funds from investors.
  • Receive the Confirmation of Subscription Unit of Mutual Fund transaction, forms and documents from Investment Manager.
  • If the AUTHENTIC form and other supporting documents are complete and clear and received before 13.00 noon (WIB), will be processed by the Custodian Bank using the net asset value of mutual funds on the previous day.
  • Submit the Proof of Mutual Fund Owner Unit to the Mutual Fund Holder Unit T+7 Exchange Day

  1. Letter of Confirmation

Receive the Proof of Mutual Fund Owner Unit T+7 Exchange Day