Reksa Dana Terproteksi OSO Dana Terproteksi IV
Also referred to OSO Dana Terproteksi IV is Protected Investment Fund in the form of Collective Investment Contract based on Law Number 8 of 1995 concerning Capital Market and its implementation regulation.

Investment Objective
OSO Dana Terproteksi IV aims to provide 100% (one hundred percent) protection of the Investment Principle on the Maturity Date through investment mechanisms and provide investment returns through investments in debt securities and domestic money market instruments and / or deposits by lowering risk levels through selective selection of securities to provide optimal revenue.

Investor Profile

Investment Policy

Invesment Instruments Min Max.
Equity Securities
Money market instruments and / or cash equivalents
0% 20%
Bonds Securities
Debt securities
80% 100%

Benefits of Investing
Professional Management;
Information Transparency;
Ease of Investment;

Risks of Investing
Risk of Changing Economic and Political Conditions;
Default Risk;
The Risks of Early Repayment Resulting in Unacceptable Protection Mechanism;
The Risks of Early Repayment Resulting in Unacceptable Protection Mechanism;
Risk of Regulatory Changes;
Risk of Dissolution and Liquidation.

Investor Rights
Obtained Proof of Ownership of Participation Unit of OSO Dana Terproteksi IV That is Participation Unit Transaction Confirmation Letter;
Obtaining Protection of Fundamental Principles of Investment In accordance with the Protection Mechanism;
Principal Investment;
Obtaining Distribution of Investment Returns Based on the Results-Sharing Policy Investation;
Acquired Repayment on Maturity Date With Net Asset Value Per Unit Participation Equal For All Holders of Participation Units;
Earning Early Settlement With Net Asset Value Per Unit;
Equal Participation For All Holders of Participation Units;
Obtaining Information on Net Asset Value of Participation Unit of OSO Dana Terproteksi IV Participation At least 1 (One) In 1 (One) Month On Announcement Date of Net Asset Value (NAV);
Obtain Periodic Financial Statements;
Obtain Monthly Reports;
Obtaining the Top of Proceeds with Proportional Liquidation;
Ownership of Participation Units in the case of the OSO Dana Terproteksi IV Dissolved and Liquidated.

Minimum Initial Purchase : Rp.
Minimum of Next Purchase : -
Minimum Redemption : Rp.
Minimum Ownership Balance : Rp.
Participation Unit Buying Cost : Max. Rp.
Redemption Fee : Max. -
Redirection Fee : Max. -
Remuneration for Investment Manager : Max. 1% per year
Custodian Bank Services Rewards : Max. 0.15% per year
Product Account
Bank name : Bank Mega
Branch : KCP Kemang, Jakarta
Account number : 01.050.0011.00301.2
Account name : Reksa Dana Terproteksi OSO Dana Terproteksi IV

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