Mutual Fund OSO Andalas Equity Fund
OSO Andalas Equity Fund is an investment in equity securities issued by corporations that have been sold in public offerings and / or traded on the Stock Exchange both inside and outside the country.

Investment Objective

OSO Andalas Equity Fund aims to maintain and achieve optimal investment growth in the long term by investing in equity securities to gain capital gains and dividends with measured risk levels.

Investor Profile
Investors with high risk tolerance;
Investors who want to invest in shares;
Investors are sensitive to optimal returns in the long run.

Investment Policy

Invesment Instruments Min Max.
Equity Securities
Equity Securities
80% 100%
Bonds Securities
and / or money market instruments in the country and / or deposits
0% 20%

Investment Benefits
Professionally managed;
Diversification of investments;
Transparency of information;
Easy & affordable investment.

Investment growth potential Risks of Investing in Mutual Funds
Reduced Risk of Net Asset Value of Each Participation Unit;
Risk of Changes in Economic & Political Conditions;
Liquidity Risk;
Default Risk.

Risk of Dissolution and Liquidation Investor Rights 
Obtain Evidence of Ownership of Participation Unit of OSO Andalas Equity Fund That is Participation Unit Transaction Confirmation Letter;
Obtaining Periodic Financial Statements;
Obtaining Investment Sharing Based on Investment Sharing Policy;
Sell Part or Entire Participation Unit of OSO Andalas Equity Fund;
Transfers Partial Or Entire Investments in OSO Andalas Equity Fund;
Obtain Information on Net Asset Value of Every Unit of Participation And Performance OSO Andalas Equity Fund;
Obtaining Monthly Reports;
Obtain the Proportion of Liquidation of Proportional Lost by Ownership of Participation Unit in case of OSO Andalas Equity Fund Dissolved and Liquidated.

Minimum Initial Purchase : Rp. 100.000
Minimum of Next Purchase : Rp. 100.000
Minimum Redemption : Rp. 100.000
Minimum Ownership Balance : Rp. 100.000
Participation Unit Buying Cost : Max. 2%
Redemption Fee : Max. 1%
Redirection Fee : Max. 2%
Remuneration for Investment Manager : Max. 3% per year
Custodian Bank Services Rewards : Max. 0.2% per year
Product Account
Bank name : PT Bank Maybank Indonesia,Tbk.
Branch : KCU Jakarta
Account number : 2.259.385187
Account name : Reksa Dana OSO Andalas Equity Fund