Reksa Dana OSO Moluccas Equity Fund
OSO Moluccas Equity Fund is an investment in small and medium-sized equity securities listed in the JCI constituency in line with fundamental developments of the company.

Investment Objective
OSO Moluccas Equity Fund aims to achieve long-term sustainable investment growth in the long run by investing the majority / majority in small and medium capitalized equity securities to gain capital gains and dividends with measured risk levels.

Investor Profile
Investors with high risk tolerance;
Investors who want to invest in shares;
Investors are sensitive to optimal yield in the long term.

Investment Policy

Invesment Instruments Min Max.
Equity Securities
Equity securities
80% 100%
Bonds Securities
and/ or money market instruments in the country and/ or deposits
0% 20%

Investment Benefits
Professionally managed;
Investment diversification;
Transparency of information;
Easy & Affordable Investment;
Investment growth potential.

Risks of Investing in Mutual Funds
Risk of Reduction in Net Asset Value of Each Participation Unit;
Risk of Changing Economic & Political Conditions;
Liquidity Risk;
Default Risk;
Risk of Dissolution and Liquidation.

Investor rights
Obtain Proof of Ownership of Participation Unit of OSO Moluccas Equity Fund That is Participation Unit Transaction Confirmation Letter;
Obtain Periodic Financial Reports;
Obtaining Distribution of Investment Result Based on Investment Sharing Policy;
Resell Part One or Entire Participation Unit OSO Moluccas Equity Fund;
Partially Transfer or Entire Investments in OSO Moluccas Equity Fund;
Obtain Information on Net Asset Value of Every Unit of Participation and Performance of OSO Moluccas Equity Fund;
Obtain Monthly Reports;
Obtaining Proportional Segmentation of Proceeds of the Liquidation of Ownership of Participation Units in Hal of OSO Moluccas Equity Fund Dissolved and Liquidated.

Minimum Initial Purchase : Rp. 100.000
Minimum of Next Purchase : Rp. 100.000
Minimum Redemption : Rp. 100.000
Minimum Ownership Balance : Rp. 100.000
Participation Unit Buying Cost : Max. 2%
Redemption Fee : Max. 1%
Redirection Fee : Max. 2%
Remuneration for Investment Manager : Max. 3% per year
Custodian Bank Services Rewards : Max. 0.20% per year
Product Account
Bank name : PT Bank Mega, Tbk.
Branch : Jakarta, Tendean
Account number : 01.074.0011.239680
Account name : Reksa Dana OSO Moluccas Equity Fund